Avida CBD Review

Avida already have a great collection of CBD related items. We have the vape juice, the tinctures, and the gummies, and all are amazing. So to say that I was excited when I heard about the drop of their CBD vape pen is a bit of an understatement.

Avida CBD Review

And I’ve opened up and puffed away on this bad boy so that I can give you my honest review of the product. Now, these pens look a little different from the typical disposable puff-bars that are taking the world by storm currently.

They are actually more similar to that of the pens that you can purchase in your local cannabis dispensary.

It’s a draw actictaved pen, so no on or off button for this one. It is pre-filled with one gram of full spectrum hemp extract and has a charging time of around 40 minutes. The kit contains the one CBD Vape pen and the charger needs to be purchased separately.

Now that we’ve got the basics down, if you’re interested in delving in a little deeper, keep reading.

Flavor Options

I’d argue that one of the most important factors of a vape pen is its flavor. No one wants to puff away at a bad-tasting vape right? So, we’ll start off here.

One thing that I thought was really cool is that the flavors are based off of real strains on the market. I loved this, but if you don’t like the taste of cannabis then they’re probably not going to be for you.

Each flavor contains the same formulated CBD oil, and so because of this, they all have a very similar underlying taste that is quite earthy. However, there is a noticeable difference between each flavor.

Though the more experience you have with different strains, the more you will probably appreciate and detect them.

So there are six different flavors to choose from; Banana Kush, Blueberry, Fire OG, Gelato Kush, Mango, and Pineapple Paradise. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

1. Banana Kush

I was really surprised at how well the flavor replicated the taste of Banana Kush. So, if you’ve ever smoked it before, it tastes pretty much exactly like that.

For those that haven’t tied it before it has a slight banana flavor which you’d expect but it’s not massively long-lasting. There is more of an earthy overall taste with a slightly fruity twinge.

2. Blueberry

Again, I wouldn’t expect an overpoweringly fruity flavor if you opt for this vape. The blueberry taste is more of a slight aftertaste rather than the main event. It does very prominently taste of cannabis.

3. Fire OG

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting from this one, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was fairly light and had a very fruity citrus flavor to it. It did also have that underlying grassy earthy flavor, but I would argue that the fruity flavor is more dominant.

4. Gelato Kush

This one steers closer to Kush than it does Gelato, and while it does taste good, it’s probably my least favorite of the six. It’s kind of grapey but doesn’t have any real sweetness to it.

5. Mango

I was very excited about this flavor and it really didn’t disappoint. This one was the most overwhelmingly fruity out of the lot. It does what it says on the tin – it really tastes of mango.

6. Pineapple Paradise

Tropical, fruity, and delicious, this pen flavor is great. You can definitely taste the pineapple coming through, but you can still taste the woody and earthy flavors of the strain it is based upon.

Size, Weight, & Feel

At just 16 mm wide, 100 mm tall, and 8 mm thick, this pen is nice and compact. It fits well into a pocket of a jacket easily and effortlessly. It weighs around just 20 grams too so it’s incredibly lightweight.

And really, you can’t ask more out of a portable vape than for it to be both compact and lightweight.

The vapes themselves all come in one color, white, and have a square window for the liquid. I like that they have quite a grippy texture on the side as it just feels very comfortable in your hand.

The other side of the pen has writing stating the milligrams of CBD and flavor, along with a LED light so you know how much battery life you have.

Setting Up

I literally couldn’t think of anything that could possibly be easier to set up and use than this. All you have to do is take your vape, remove the rubber plug from the top, and voila. It doesn’t need to be turned on or off as it is simply draw activated.

So, remove that plug, take a hit and you’re all good to go.

If you take a hit and nothing happens, or if the LED light is flashing, you simply need to recharge the pen. Just remember that you’ll need to purchase the charger separately.

Final Thoughts – Is It Any Good?

The first thing I noticed is that they have quite a tight draw on them. They’re definitely better suited to mouth to lung vaping. Otherwise, it’s pretty much standard to any other vape pen on the market. It’s good.

I did notice that you can have quite a noticeable cloud of vapour on exhale, but again, this is the case for many vape pens.

In terms of the hit itself, I think it’s the best of any product they’ve produced so far. The effects are evidently noticeable. A couple of puffs in and you can definitely feel that relaxation spread right through you.

I wouldn’t expect an all-consuming body high from them, but you’ll definitely notice a sense of euphoria as you continue to puff away.

Overall, I was really impressed with these pens. And I’ll definitely be sticking with them as my vape of choice from now on (see also “Best Salt Nic Vapes“).

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