Black Mamba Strain – Everything You Need To Know

Twenty minutes after a Black Mamba snake bite you can expect to lose the ability to talk. Approximately an hour later, you’d be comatose. Go six hours without an antidote, and you’ll be dead. 

This strain of marijuana is aptly named. Beware of the beast. This Indica-dominant hybrid is popular in its small doses for giving you a pretty spacey, dreamy, and hazy high.

Black Mamba Strain - Everything You Need To Know

But be warned, it is not for the faint of heart and should be smoked sparingly, for too big of a hit and you’ll definitely be reeling from its effects. In fact, it has even been known to cause hallucinogenic-like experiences in its higher doses. 

Much like the deadly snake from where it derives its name, this strain is known to be extremely powerful and will leave you in an immense state of relaxation.

Don’t worry, six hours after your hit, you will still be alive. The ability to talk and the comatose part? Well, that’ll depend on how much you smoke. 

Since this strain is pretty hardcore, it’s not something I’d instantly recommend to a new or low-tolerance smoker, but if you do decide to give it a go – take your time.

For the smoking connoisseurs and high-tolerance smokers alike, all I can say is do not underestimate this strain. You’ve been well and truly warned. 

Now, if I and this particularly potent strain have your undivided attention, join me as we delve into a deeper and more thorough guide. 

Approach With Caution – Meet The Black Mamba

This hybrid strain is 40% sativa and 60% indica. The combination of the two can make for a fairly unique high from person to person. The effects of such a strain will differ completely depending on your tolerance and how much of it you choose to smoke. 

If you smoke just a little, you can expect a calming and serene mindset that can allow for a very thoughtful and mindful day. Taken in moderation, you’ll be transported into a dream-like haze.

You’ll be pretty spaced out and reality will seem a little out of reach, so I’d ensure that you have a free day ahead. Taken in excess, well…good luck, it was nice knowing you. 

Smoking this strain will hit you almost instantly and it’s also renowned for its long-lasting effects.

So it’s pretty intense, to say the least. Black Mamba is a crossbreed of both Granddaddy Purple and Black Domina and much like the snake bite can knock you out cold, so can this bad boy. It’s bred that way by design. 

The Black Mamba High

So, this is the big question that everyone wants to know. What does a Black Mamba high feel like? Well, let’s find out. 

As I mentioned above, as soon as you spark up, you’ll feel the effects of the strain creeping in pretty quickly. But that isn’t all you’ll feel. There are a few side effects that you’re likely to start feeling – and it’s best to be prepared for them before you begin. 

  1. A Throbbing Head – At first you’ll notice a slight throbbing sensation in your head along with a few general aches and pains that will come and go. 
  2. Weightlessness & Precipitation – Once those symptoms fade, you’ll start to feel pretty weightless and you’ll be sweating pretty heavily. You may also notice that your senses become heavily heightened. 
  3. Racing Mind – Next, your mind will start to race. Your thoughts will be flying around your mind quickly and chaotically. Your mouth will also keep up with your mind so expect to become quite the chatterbox. 
  4. Smoking Alone – If you don’t have anyone’s ear to natter off, you’ll feel an overwhelming compulsion to be pretty productive. 
  5. Excess Smoking – If you smoke enough of the strain, you may also notice hallucinations. These can be quite fun if you’re prepared and used to it, but for new smokers, this can be quite alarming and frightening. 

Aroma, Flavor, & Appearance

1. Aroma

Black Mamba has a pretty unique aroma. It has a sweet and sour fruity grape scent that mixes with a woody pine smell. Imagine opening a soury-sweet bottle of wine in the middle of the woods and you might be able to quite accurately imagine this scent.

It stays strong the entire time that it’s lit, so you’ll be sure to get waft and waft as you continue to smoke. 

When you crack open the bud, you’ll only have a slight hint of the aroma that is awaiting you. It becomes much more evident once ground, and even stronger once smoking. 

2. Flavor

Arguably more important than its aroma is the strain’s taste. So, does it have that delicious fruity flavor too? Actually, it’s sweeter. There is a very obvious fruity grape tinge to the flavor as you take your first toke.

However, as you continue on, you’ll notice that the more earthy and woody properties of the strain become more dominant and pronounced. As you exhale though, you’ll still get a very berry and grape aftertaste flavor.

3. Appearance

There’s no mistaking Black Mamba with its distinct rich green and deep purple appearance. The leaves themselves also look like arrows which are pretty unique.

The buds are typically medium in size and tend to be pretty dense and hard compared to many other strains. 

Black Mamba THC & CBD Content

Black Mamba THC & CBD Content

For those who aren’t aware, a little context. THC is the component responsible for the high when smoking. CBD is responsible for more medicinal purposes. 

I think by now, you’re probably bored of hearing me tell you that this strain is strong and powerful. But it’s something that is worth noting a couple of times – trust me.

If you don’t want to spend half of your day asleep, or not knowing in you’re in a dream or real life, then you’ll want to sprinkle this strain sparingly into your joints. 

To put it into perspective, your typical indica strain will have an average of 13% THC. 13% is the absolute lowest recorded THC content for Black Mamba. In most cases, you’ll be looking at around 19% THC and its content can be as much as a whopping 25%. 

There is no denying the potency and power of the Black Mamba. No wonder you get so dozey! 

In terms of CBD, it’s pretty low. This is pretty unsurprising as it is very rare that you’ll find a high-content CBD and THC strain. It’s usually one or the other. And it’s definitely leaning heavily on the THC side. 

You can expect as little as just 1% of CBD content ranging as high as only 4%. Regardless though, it is still known to have some medical benefits. 

The Medical Benefits Of Black Mamba

This strain is known for sending an overwhelming calm and relaxation over your body, and because of this, it is popular among sufferers of both anxiety and depression. It allows for calm, serenity, and mindfulness. 

Due to its hyper-focusing tendencies, it also finds itself popular amongst those with ADHD. This is because the productive compulsion allows those with ADHD to focus and engage with tasks that otherwise they may have found difficult to follow through with. 

Again, this is only the case in smaller quantities. Too much and you’ll snooze the entire day away. 

Thanks to that flow of instant relaxation, it has also been known to effectively ease and manage pain. Many migraine sufferers benefit from this strain along with those who struggle with pain around the eye area believed to be caused by glaucoma. 

The Side Effects Of Black Mamba

Of course, as is the case with anything, it does come with its own list of side effects too. While small quantities work well for those with anxiety, larger doses can aggravate anxiety and in some cases can make you quite paranoid.

Another common side effect of the Black Mamba strain is feeling quite dizzy or nauseous. This is why you should always go steady when you are first introduced to the strain. 

And like with most strains, you can expect dry eyes and a dry mouth, along with a few other mild and short-lasting symptoms. 

Final Thoughts

Like the powerful beast it was named after, Black Mamba from a distance is quite a wonder to behold, but get too close and you’ll regret its powerful and potent bite.

This is to say that you can really ride a unique, relaxing yet productive high when smoked in smaller doses. Smoke in large quantities, however, and you’ll experience the full force of its venom. You’ll be very lethargic, spaced-out, and you may even start hallucinating. 

I would definitely recommend introducing yourself to this strain slowly and steadily. Let your body adjust to the high and then increase your strength, and bravery, over time. 

This can be a really great strain for giving you the boost to accomplish any task and increase your social skills. Just ensure that you smoke with caution.

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