Can You Take A Vape On A Plane?

The vaping revolution is in full swing, and it doesn’t appear to be dying down anytime soon. What started as a carefully marketed, ‘safer’ alternative to smoking, has boomed into the latest trend for teenagers, previous non-smokers, and those quitting cigarettes for good.

Can You Take A Vape On A Plane?

Although the long-term effects of vaping remain largely unknown, that has stopped many people from embracing the revolution and becoming vapers themselves. 

Whether you’re using nicotine or no nicotine, you’ll probably find yourself craving a vape pretty frequently (see also “Best Salt Nic Vapes“). So, what happens if you’re hit with a craving mid-flight – can you sneak a toke, or will you be breaking the law? 

We’re here to break down the ins and outs of vaping regulations on planes, but spoiler alert: you might not like the answer. 

Can You Take A Vape On A Plane? 

Yes, you CAN technically take your vape on a plane. However, vapes with lithium batteries cannot be packed up in your hold luggage, so you’ll need to carry them in your hand luggage only.

Although we’re happy to report that it’s possible to bring a vape on a plane (negative news incoming), no, you cannot smoke it onboard. All airlines have completely forbidden the use of e-cigarettes on airplanes, so don’t go trying to sneak a toke mid-flight – it’s not worth it. 

How To Pack Your Vape And Vape Liquids For Flying 

We couldn’t find a single airline that will allow you to vape onboard. It’s pretty safe to say this law won’t be changing anytime soon (if ever), so you’ll just have to find another way to satisfy those vape cravings while you’re flying! 

However, you can still bring a vape on a plane, but you’ll have a few things to consider first. The exact regulations for packing and storing a vape on a plane can differ between airlines, but here are the general rules you’ll probably encounter: 

  • Disposable vapes can be packed in your hand luggage, but not in your checked luggage 
  • Your vape liquids will count toward your 100ml liquid allowance with some airlines, so pack carefully. Remember: this allowance includes ALL liquids, including deodorant and water, so only pack what you need. 
  • Some airlines won’t allow you to pack more than two lithium batteries 
  • You probably won’t be allowed to charge your vape onboard 

Can You Vape In An Airport? 

Sure, vaping isn’t as smelly as regular smoking, but in most countries, it’s still seen as the same thing. This means you probably WON’T be able to smoke your vape inside an airport, just like you wouldn’t be able to smoke a cigarette inside them, either. 

However, most airports will have their own designated smoking areas where you can vape before checking in or boarding your flight. 

Have Other Countries Banned Disposable Vapes? 

Although you’ll be able to pack and travel with your disposable vape, remember: not all countries allow them. In some countries, vaping is illegal, or the law surrounding importing vapes is unclear.

Before you travel, you’ll need to ensure you’re complying with the laws of your destination. Breaching such laws could leave you liable to a fine, or in extreme cases, arrest. 

Here’s a list of countries where vaping is illegal, or the rules surrounding the importation of vapes are unclear: 

  • Australia: You’ll need a medically authorized prescription to bring a vape into the country 
  • Bangladesh: A vaping ban has been proposed, but legislation is yet to be instated 
  • Antigua and Barbuda: Sales of disposable vapes have been banned, but it’s legal to vape 

Other Countries Where Vaping Is Banned

Other Countries Where Vaping Is Banned
  • Brunei
  • Barbados
  • Bahrain
  • Bhutan
  • Brazil
  • Colombia 
  • Costa Rica
  • Cambodia 
  • Ethiopia
  • East Timor
  • Egypt 
  • Hong Kong
  • The Gambia
  • Iran
  • India
  • Jordan
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Lao
  • Kuwait
  • North Korea 
  • Lebanon
  • Macao
  • Mauritius
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico 
  • Nicaragua
  • Nepal
  • Oman
  • Panama
  • Palestine
  • Saudi Arabia 
  • Qatar
  • Singapore
  • Seychelles
  • Sri Lanka
  • Syria
  • Suriname
  • Thailand
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Timor-Leste
  • Turkmenistan 
  • Uganda 
  • Venezuela 
  • Vatican City 

Things To Remember Before Flying With A Vape 

By now, you’ll know that under no circumstance should you smoke your vape on a plane. However, this is just one thing to consider – before you fly with a vape, here are a few things to remember: 

  • Empty Your Vape Tank: If you’re traveling with a refillable vape, empty the tank before flying. The pressure in the plane can cause your vape tank to leak, so always empty it before traveling. 
  • Check The Laws of your Destination: Not all countries allow vaping, and some have very strict laws in place. Before you travel, check the vaping laws and regulations in your destination country to avoid committing an offense. 
  • Talk To Your Airline: Although most airlines will let you bring a vape on a plane, the exact rules can differ between airlines. Check with your airline before traveling to ensure you’re complying with the most up-to-date advice. 
  • Check Your Batteries and Liquid: If your liquid or batteries don’t conform to the rules of your airline or destination, you’ll need to throw them away. Check before traveling. 

Can You Bring A THC Vape Pen On A Plane? 

The answer to this question depends on where you’re flying to and from, and the rules and regulations of your airline. If you’re traveling to and from countries where THC is legal, and you’ll probably be able to bring a THC vape pen on a plane.

Just like regular vaping, though, you won’t be able to smoke it while you’re flying. 

If THC is illegal in your destination country, you’ll be committing an offense by bringing it into the country. So, check whether or not cannabis and cannabis vapes are legal at your destination before flying with them.

In many countries, high quantities of THC are controlled substances – importing them into the country could land you in serious trouble. 

Final Thoughts 

Sorry vapers, but you won’t be able to vape on a plane. However, you’ll probably still be able to take it in your hand luggage and enjoy a toke when you’ve reached your destination.

Make sure to check the rules and regulations of your airline and destination country before flying with a vape. 

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