Dosilato Strain – Everything You Need To Know

Derived from the cookie family, this strain is absolutely perfect if you’re looking for a way to calm down, chill out, or have a good old snooze.

Dosilato Strain - Everything You Need To Know

This strain has a quite high THC content and is indica-dominated, so you can expect a very strong and relaxing high that is sure to send you off to sleep.

Thanks to its very potent deep body relaxation, it is the perfect strain for anyone suffering from chronic pain or sleeping disorders such as insomnia. 

This hybrid strain is also known for its fruity yet earthy scent and soft and sweet lilac flavor (see also “Best Hybrid Strains“).

It’s definitely more of an indica than it is a sativa, so you’ll be more numb and dream-like than euphoric and energized as you drift through the evening in a pleasant haze. 

Sounds good? Well then, keep reading on to learn more. 

Just How Potent Is Dosilato? 

In a word, very. The potency of Dosilato should not be underestimated. There is a reason it is so popular with those that experience chronic pain, and that is because it sends you into an ultimate numbing and relaxing sedation. 

The hybrid strain is just 30% sativa and 70% indica, so you can definitely expect a more ‘downer’ high. It’s a plop yourself on the couch and don’t move till morning kind of high.

And the high itself is pretty powerful, you’ll certainly feel it in every fiber of your being. 

The name of the strain comes from the two parent strains Do-Si-Dos and Gelato #41 and is also part of the cookie family, so expect a sweet and delicious taste as you’re puffing away.

Since both parent strains are pretty powerful, it’s safe to expect the same from the product they create. Typically, you’ll be looking at a THC content of around 20% at its lowest and just missing 30% at its highest. 

So it’s safe to say it’s not really an option for the faint-hearted. If you’re new to smoking, I’d leave a pin in this strain for now.

When you have built-up a pretty good tolerance for THC, you should still approach the strain with caution as it is renowned for its unbelievable high. 

Appearance, Aroma, & Flavor

Dosilato is famous for its lovely aroma. It’s strong and sweet, and is very citrusy and floral. As far as aroma goes, this is probably up there as one of the best options.

The very lemony smell also pairs wonderfully with the earthiness undertone that lurks just beneath it. 

Don’t be fooled by its zesty aroma though, because you won’t taste any lemon coming through as you drag on your joint. Instead, you’ll have a wonderful and delicious floral taste that will remind you of lilac and lavender. 

In terms of the bud, it is very appealing. There are a few shades of green that are evident, from pale to deep and dark green. This is then juxtaposed with the patches of pastel and coral colors of purple and orange.

It has a somewhat icy appearance too, but not overwhelmingly so. It also has a soft and sticky texture. 

Medical Benefits, Effects, And Usage

Medical Benefits, Effects, And Usage

 So, after smoking this strain, you’ll feel very relaxed, serene, and calm. It also won’t take very long for sleepy sedation effects to take effect.

So I wouldn’t opt to smoke this strain during the day or you’re likely to snooze your way through all your responsibilities. It’s definitely an evening and night time option though. That will allow for a blissful evening and an early nights kip. 

It’s known for a strong body-numbing effect too which makes it very popular with those that suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, and excessive stress.

For those with joint pains that play up quite a lot, I would definitely recommend trying to smoke this strain before bed. 

For cannabis connoisseurs, riding this high will probably be a very enjoyable experience. For those new to marijuana and THC, probably not so much.

For those with low THC tolerance, there are many reports of Dosilato causing anxiety and paranoia so it’s best to steer clear unless you are used to smoking fairly consistently. 

Like any heavy indica based strain, it’ll also have some pretty hardcore body effects that you want to be prepared for. You’re not going to feel like being up and about once this high kicks in, you’ll find a spot and that is where you’ll want to stay.

So if that sounds good to you, then perfect. If that isn’t what you’re looking for, then you may prefer to opt for a more sativa-dominant strain. 

As with most strains, you should also expect dry eyes and a dry mouth as possible side effects.

Other smokers have also reported experiencing feelings of dizziness which is another reason why it’s not really suitable for daytime smoking. 

Growing Dosilato 

As far as strains go, it’s a relatively easy option to grow. It tends to grow in pretty much any environment or condition, but it definitely flourishes best in warm and humid climates. When grown indoors you can expect the plant to flower a little after 8 or so weeks.

You can usually start your harvest during the middle of October and will receive around 14 ounces per square meter. They will grow a slightly larger yield when grown outdoors with the figures coming in at around 16 ounces per square meter. 

The secret to success with this plant is consistent pruning. This will help ensure you get the most out of your yield and that they grow to their full potential.

And this is really the only important maintenance hack that you’ll need. Otherwise the plant is pretty resilient and won’t mold, or get destroyed by bugs or pests. 

While the plant’s tough and hard exterior will come in handy during its growth, it can become a little more difficult during harvest.

The branches, and just the plant in general, tends to be rock solid and very hard to snap. So if you don’t want to break or damage your harvest flowers, you’ll definitely need to invest in a pair of sharp garden shears. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Another Name For Dosilato? 

This strain does have a few other names, so if you don’t recognize Dosilato you may have heard some of its others.

Dolato and Dosi-lato both refer to the same strain. All of these names simply come from combining the parent strain names of Do-Si-Dos and Gelato. 

Is Dosilato Strain Indica Or Sativa? 

Dosilato is a hybrid strain that contains both sativa and indica genetics. However, with just 30% sativa, and 70% indica it is definitely more indica dominant.

When smoking this strain you will definitely notice the typical traits of an indica strain such as a full-body high and a sleepy sedation feeling. 

Is Dosilato Good For Sleeping?

Yes, incredibly so. Due to its high THC content and soothing effects that reach both body and mind, it can easily send you straight to sleep.

In fact, the strain is so good at sending you to sleep that it is one of the most popular stains for sufferers of sleep disorders such as insomnia. 

How Good Is Dosilato?

Dosilato is a very potent, high THC content strain and so you can be certain that you’ll feel its effects almost immediately.

It is the perfect option for someone looking to really relax during the evening hours and then quickly and easily fall asleep once its effects start to wear off. Due to its strong potency though, it is not suitable for those with low-tolerance levels to THC. 

Final Thoughts

There are many strains out there for all kinds of scenarios and situations, and this one is best paired with a great film or series on Netflix along with a comfy couch or warm bed.

Users are likely to notice that full-body high and wave after wave of relaxation as they wind down and then finally fall asleep into a blissful full night’s sleep.

It is also known for its body-numbing properties and so is incredibly effective for those with severe joint issues or chronic pain of any kind. 

Due to its very strong THC levels, it is definitely more appropriate for a more consistent smoker. Those who are not used to smoking regularly should do so with caution as it has been known to cause anxiety and paranoia in new smokers. 

But overall, this pleasant smelling, delicious tasting, easy to grow strain is a fantastic strain. The fruity aroma along with the floral smell is something you can be sure to appreciate, along with its high yield if you are growing it yourself. 

So, find yourself the coziest corner in your home, settle in surrounded by plenty of snacks and drinks, pop on your favorite film and let its relaxing vibes take over your body until you finally fall into a good night’s slumber.

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