Hybrid Strains: A Comprehensive Breakdown

If you’re a veteran smoker, words such as indica, sativa, and hybrid probably come like second nature to you by now. But for those of us new to smoking, it’s a whole different story.

Hybrid Strains: A Comprehensive Breakdown

When I first started smoking I hadn’t got a clue about what it was I was actually smoking. I didn’t even know the difference between one high from another. And if you can relate, don’t worry, it’s pretty normal.

There are hundreds of different strains out there that will all give you a slightly different buzz. That’s why you may have noticed sometimes you’re energetic and productive after a smoke, and other times it feels as if you have been superglued to your couch.

All of these different strains fall into one of three categories. They’ll be either a sativa, indica, or a mixture of two strains which is known as a hybrid. It is sativa strains that will have you bouncing off the walls a little more.

If you feel awake and productive after a smoke, then there is sativa lurking. Contrastingly, if you’re ready for a good old snooze or feel trapped on your couch after a smoke, you’ve probably smoked a fairly strong sativa.

But what happens when two different strains of weed are mixed together to create a hybrid? Well, it’ll differ from strain to strain. But if you want to learn more about the fascinating process of creating a hybrid strain, keep reading.

The 4 Types Of Hybrid Cannabis Strains

So, there are four primary hybrid strains that can be created. And they are as follows:

  • Sativa x Sativa – This is where two different varieties of sativa are combined together.
  • Sativa x Indica – This is where Sativa and Indica strains are mixed together. The sativa is more dominant in this case, though you can still feel some of those indica characteristics (see also “Indica Strains: A Comprehensive Breakdown“).
  • Indica x Indica – This is where two different varieties of indica are combined together.
  • Indica x Sativa – This is where Indica and Sativa strains are mixed together. The indica is more dominant in this case, though you can still feel some of those sativa characteristics.

Indica Vs Sativa

Indica Vs Sativa

Typically, hybrid strains are a combination of both indica and sativa strains. So, though I’ve covered it briefly, it is worth delving deeper into the characteristics of both of these strains.

It is also worth noting that these descriptions are the common characteristics but due to other factors such as cannabinoid potency and terpenes, this will not always be the case for each individual strain.

The indica strains are popular for their soothing and relaxing effects. They are more commonly associated with a ‘body high’ which can leave you feeling a little more lethargic and totally chilled out.

Indica strains are a popular choice for those that struggle with depression, anxiety, stress, and pain as they are known to almost numb the pain and put you into a state of total serenity and calm.

Sativa, in comparison, is more known as a ‘head high.’ They are great for perking you up a little more, making you a whole lot more creative, and boosting your mood. These strains are great for deep questions and conversations.

If you’re smoking during the day, you’re generally more likely to pick this strain as you don’t get that tired and lethargic feeling. You’ll be able to take on a sativa and still get on with the rest of your day. Just a bit more enjoyable.

Hybrids tend to be the best of both worlds. You still get that buzz of relaxation flowing through your body, just without those protesting eyelids and a body that wants to slump.

You’ll be calm and collected but still creative and ready to delve into the deepest of topics for conversation. Of course, each and every hybrid takes effect slightly differently.

Some are more dominant one way or another. So an Indica-dominant will have you more sleepy than creative and vice versa for a Sativa-dominant strain.

Hybrid Strains Are Great For Beginners

Did you know that you and your best friend could sit together and pass the same joint between you and you could both experience different highs? Crazy, right? This is because there are so many varying factors that can affect how cannabis affects you.

If you are a beginner, a hybrid strain is a great place to start. This is because it is the perfect balance between the two strains and you can introduce yourself to the different highs.

You can try a hybrid and if you’re not a massive fan of the zoned-out spaciness then you’ll know that you’re probably best steering clear of those potent indicas.

Similarly, if the racing mindset or head high leaves you feeling a little uncomfortable, then you know to avoid strong sativas. It is a great place to start to find the perfect high for you.

Best Hybrid Strains To Give A Go

There are tons of different hybrid strains on the market and it can be hard to know where to start. So, I thought I’d add a list of some of my favorite hybrids that are worth giving a go!

  • White Widow – This fairly balanced CBD-to-THC ratio strain is a great option. I’d recommend this particular strain for anyone looking for some relief from constant anxiety or chronic pain.
  • OG Kush – This popular strain is an excellent choice for those looking to ride a pretty impressive high. It has an 18% THC content which is fairly high but not overpoweringly so. It’ll give you a great high without wiping you out.
  • Gorilla Glue – This strain is probably more suited to those who have at least a moderate cannabis tolerance as it comes in with a 20% THC content. But it gives you an amazingly euphoric and relaxing high to ride.
  • Chiquita Banana – Smoke this strain with caution. It’s definitely more suited to the more experienced smoker with a whopping 26% THC content. It is a potent and powerful high to experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Hybrid Strains Uppers Or Downers?

They can be either! It will depend on whether the strain is indica or sativa dominant. An indica dominant strain will be a downer while a sativa dominant will be more of an upper (see also “Is Hybrid An Upper Or Downer?“).

What Is The Difference Between Hybrid And Balanced?

Hybrid strains refer to the mix of indica and sativa strains whereas balanced refers to the mix of CBD and THC levels.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article has shed a little more light on what it means to be a hybrid strain. Essentially, it is the best of both worlds.

You’ll get that powerful feeling of relaxation without quite confining yourself to the couch for the remainder of the day. You’ll experience a euphoric and creative boost too. When it comes to hybrid strains, some of them can really pack a punch.

Obviously, for a more experienced smoker, this won’t really come as much of an issue, but if you are fairly new to smoking I’d recommend sticking to more CBD-dominant strains as you ease yourself in. From there you can always up the ante if you’re feeling up for it.

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