Indica Strains: A Comprehensive Breakdown

Whether you’re using cannabis medicinally or recreationally, it’s important to understand the characteristics of each strain. Cannabis has plenty of universal healing properties, but the strain you choose can have a big influence on how successful your toking experience is.

Indica Strains: A Comprehensive Breakdown

Sure, you could blind-buy a strain, smoke it, and probably feel more relaxed – but this isn’t effective. To get the most from your bud, you’ll need to know whether it’s an Indica, a Sativa, or a hybrid, and how this will affect you.

Today, we’ll be offering our comprehensive breakdown of all things Indica. We’ll walk you through what an Indica strain is, what it does, the benefits, and which strains are the most popular.

What Is An Indica Strain?

Indica, or Cannabis Indica, is a herbaceous member of the Cannabaceae family. Indica’s are thought to be the most relaxing strains of cannabis, and they originally grew in warm and humid climates.

Indica plants are usually taller and longer than Sativa plants, which helps them dry faster and avoid absorbing too much humidity.

Because Indica plants usually grow in warmer climates, they can take longer to flower or harvest as they won’t have as much rainfall toward the end of the season.

Even the most experienced cannabis users will have difficulty distinguishing an Indica strain from a Sativa strain based on appearance alone. However, the buds of most Indica strains are noted for their earthy tastes, broad and plump leaves, and generous trichomes.

While they’re still growing, Indica plants will look greener, bushier, and chunkier than Sativa plants. Indica plants are also shorter and more densely branched than Sativa strains.

The Effects Of Indica Strains

Cannabis produces an abundance of effects on its users. While some strains leave you feeling energized, creative, and brimming with a mental buzz, others will send you into a sleepy, sedative-like state where all you can do is melt into the couch and binge on pizza.

So what can you expect from an Indica strain? Indicas are considered the most ‘mellow’ of cannabis strains.

Indicas are relaxing, mellow, and often produce a complete mind and body high. When you ingest Indica, you’ll probably feel a combination of the following:

  • Euphoria
  • Sleepiness
  • Happiness
  • Relaxation

Because of their sedative properties, Indicas are usually ingested in the evening rather than the daytime, and they’re ideal for users suffering from insomnia.

Although most Indica strains will produce these effects, not every Indica will send you into couch lock. The term ‘Indica’ is usually used to describe the physical structure of a cannabis plant, rather than its effects.

So, some Indicas may leave you feeling energized, too. Cannabis strains can affect people differently, so there’s no universal guarantee that you’ll feel any particular way.

How Do Indica Strains Affect The Brain?

How Do Indica Strains Affect The Brain?

Indicas often make you feel happy, relaxed, and mellow. To understand how Indica produces these effects, we need to take a closer look at its chemical structure.

If you scientifically (and metaphorically) pull cannabis apart, you’ll find a collection of Cannabinoids in each strain. Cannabinoids (known as phytocannabinoids in the plant) affect the users and are responsible for producing the effects of your high.

As humans, we naturally produce cannabinoids in the body. However, the cannabinoids found in cannabis plants are a little different. Cannabinoids in cannabis convert through different stages, including CBG to CBD and THC to CBN.

These abbreviations are another way you can distinguish what affects your Indica strain will have on your body. For example, Indica with a high THC content will give you more of a psychoactive, mental ‘high’ – such as increased creativity, euphoria, and more.

However, a CBD-dominant strain will produce more of a body high, with less of (or perhaps none) of the mental high found in THC strains. The effects of CBD-dominant strains can be so subtle, you’ll probably forget you’re under the influence.

Compared to Sativa strains, Indica’s have a much higher Cannabidiol (CBD) percentage. This is especially true for pure Indica, which is known for its analgesic properties.

Inside the chemical makeup of cannabis, you’ll also find terpenes. These are the relaxing compounds in cannabis that create its calming effects and influence its aroma.

There are over 400 different types of terpenes, but myrcene and caryophyllene are the two most common terpenes in Indica strains – these promote better sleep, and help with anxiety relief.

The Benefits Of Indica

Indica strains are some of the most popular strains of cannabis in the world, but what are their benefits? Let’s take a look at the benefits of using Indica below.

  • Reduces Stress: Studies have found that Indica-dominant strains may reduce stress and promote better sleep.
  • Relief From Pain and Inflammation: Indica may also reduce the symptoms of pain and inflammation in the body. This is probably because Indica makes you feel so relaxed, and the more relaxed you are, the less likely you are to feel your physical discomfort.
  • Reduced Anxiety: Indica is strongly associated with relaxation and sedation, so it’s no surprise that most users will benefit from decreased anxiety, too. If you struggle to switch off after a long day, you’ll probably find that a Sativa strain will make you feel more mellow and relaxed.
  • Improved Creativity: Both Indica and Sativa strains are known for boosting creativity. If you want to dive headfirst into a creative hobby, if you’re suffering from a creative blockage in your professional life, Indica and Sativa strains may help you think outside the box, and come up with fresh, innovative ideas (see also “Sativa Strains: A Comprehensive Breakdown“).
  • Decreased Nausea: Although we’re still not sure how there is some evidence to suggest that Indica can reduce feelings of nausea. Indica (and other cannabis strains) are said to activate the CB1 receptor’s responses to stimuli in the nervous system, which may offer an explanation.

What Health Issues Can You Treat With Indica?

Indica is most commonly used to treat the following symptoms:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Low Appetite
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Nausea
  • Inflammation
  • Fatigue
  • Cramps
  • Migraines
  • Social Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Low Mood

Remember: Not all Indica strains will produce the same effects. To find the right strain for your ailments, talk to a medical professional or an experienced cannabis grower.

Although the potency of cannabinoids can vary between growers, some of the strains listed below are said to have the most therapeutic effects.

  • Northern Lights: Helps with pain, insomnia, low appetite, and mood disorders
  • Afghan Kush: Helps with low appetite, acute pain, and insomnia
  • LA Confidential: May ease stress, pain, and inflammation
  • Grandaddy Purple: This strain can help with restless leg syndrome, low appetite, and insomnia
  • Bubba Kush: Used to treat nausea, pain, low appetite, PTSD, and insomnia

The Bottom Line

Indica strains aren’t for everyone. However, if you’re struggling with chronic pain, insomnia, nausea or you need some anxiety and stress relief, you may benefit from ingesting an Indica-dominant strain.

Indica can send you into a deep mental and physical state of relaxation, and help ease some of the most troubling symptoms out there.

Remember: There are many strains of Indica, and not all of them will produce the same effects. To find the right strain for you, talk to an experienced grower or medical professional.

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