Is Sativa Better For Anxiety Or Indica?

Marijuana has proved effective in treating a number of medical issues pertaining to both the body and the mind. Regarding the latter, perhaps the most common application for marijuana is to allay feelings of panic and anxiety.

Is Sativa Better For Anxiety Or Indica?

According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders users of medical marijuana reported over a 50% reduction in anxiety – an astounding statistic – but as I’m sure you’re aware, cannabis can also trigger feelings of anxiety.

Many believe the difference between these effects lies in the chemical DNA of the bud, i.e. whether the marijuana in question is an indica or sativa strain, but it’s actually much more of a complicated matter than that.

Read on to learn more about how indica and sativa strains of cannabis interact with anxiety.

Sativa Vs. Indica: What’s The Difference?

Sativa and indica are umbrella terms that categorize almost every single strain of marijuana, with the deciding factor being the THC:CBD ratio of the strains in question.

Cannabis strains with higher THC levels and lower CBD levels fall into the sativa category, while strains with lower levels of THC and higher levels of CBD are classed as indica variants.

How Does THC & CBD Affect The User?

THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, and typically speaking, bud with a higher THC content is associated with more energetic and creative highs.

CBD, on the other hand, stands for cannabidiol, and by contrast, marijuana with a higher CBD content is generally associated with a more relaxing “couch-lock” type of experience.

In light of this, it’s understandable that many assume that indica (the calming category) is the best option for easing anxiety, but this isn’t necessarily always the case.

It’s been found that sativa strains can also be hugely beneficial to anxiety sufferers — It all comes down to how the type of cannabis reacts with your personality and biochemistry. The thing to understand here is that lethargy is not the antithesis of anxiety.

In other words, just because someone is experiencing a low-energy high, doesn’t mean that their feelings of anxiety will be reduced. In certain circumstances, an indica strain will actually exacerbate their negative feelings.

Granted, there are far more indica strains that have been proven effective in treating anxiety, but it’s important not to write sativa strains off, as they too can be helpful.

Anxiety affects different people in very different ways, so it stands to reason that there’d be a variety of different solutions to the issue.

Sativa Vs. Indica: Which Is Best For Anxiety?

Sativa Vs. Indica: Which Is Best For Anxiety?

Okay, so we’ve established that reduced anxiety is never a given just because one strain belongs to either the sativa or indica family, rendering these labels less definitive than you may at first think, but they can still be helpful.

We know that both can be potentially beneficial, and we know all about the general characteristics of the highs they provide, which, just to refresh your memory, are…

  • Sativa = Cerebral: energetic, creative
  • Indica = Body-based: sleepy, lethargic

With this in mind, we can establish suitable time periods for using either one of these types of marijuana in order to curb anxiety.

For example, during the daytime, we need to be alert and active, so it makes sense to choose a sativa strain, thereby soothing feelings of anxiety without stunting our ability to go about our day-to-day lives.

Inversely, when suffering from anxiety in the evening, it makes far more sense to use a suitable indica strain as we’re trying to wind down in this period and a stimulating sativa strain may hinder our chance of finding sleep.

But, again, simply belonging to either sativa or indica family trees does not a good anxiety reducer make — We need to get a little more specific to find the anxiety relievers for us.

Anxiety Relief: The Significance Of Strain

As any experienced user will tell you, even strains belonging to the same general sativa/indica family can differ significantly in effect and “feel”, and as each strain can be so distinct, we need to consider each of them individually when it comes to treating anxiety.

Now, being that there are currently over 700 strains of cannabis out there, it’s not reasonable to expect you to try them all (although I’m sure many would accept such a challenge), so let’s take a look at some that are widely considered to be the best for reducing anxiety.

Best Sativa Strains For Anxiety

  • Sour Diesel — Often used to treat acute pain, brain fog, and PTSD, despite falling comfortably into the sativa family due to its 22%–2% THC:CBD split, Sour Diesel is considered by many to be a fantastic anxiety reliever.
  • Lemon OG Haze — Even as a sativa-dominant hybrid of Lemon OG and Haze strains, the THC levels in Lemon OG Haze are markedly lower than a lot of other sativa variants, which is part of the reason it’s still quite calming.
  • Strawberry Cough — Strawberry cough is great for those times your anxiety has you locked in stasis. With a 19% THC content, it’s not going to send your mind racing, but it will encourage a new outlook and provide a bit of energy to get you out of your slump.

Best Indica Strains For Anxiety

  • Grandaddy Purple — Grandaddy Purple may just be the most popular strain for dealing with anxiety. As an indica bud, it has CBD-heavy DNA, but a surprising amount of THC helps it fire on all cylinders. As well as anxiety, it’s used to combat insomnia, gastrointestinal issues, and acute pain.
  • Northern Lights — Here’s another example of a remarkably calming strain that still has a comparatively high THC content. It will perk you up and center you simultaneously.
  • ACDC — If you’ve learned that THC is more hindrance than help, give ACDC a go. Only 1% of its chemical makeup consists of THC, and while it’s certainly more calming than energizing, it’s not going to glue you in place.
  • Critical Cure — With low THC and super calming qualities, Critical Cure is the quintessential chill-out strain, but it doesn’t work for everyone, so don’t be fooled by the relaxed character of this strain. If you want to give it a go, try only a small amount to begin with.

Cannabis Consumption Methods & Anxiety

You shouldn’t just be thinking about what strain will be best for your anxiety, but what consumption method will be best too, as different ways of using cannabis can have a huge impact on how much you should consume and the onset time of the high.

Most of the time, people suffering from anxiety want to feel better sooner rather than later, so smoking or vaping is often the consumption method of choice.

Edibles offer longer-lasting relief but take as long as 40 minutes to kick in, meaning you have to suffer through the full force of your anxiety for a while. What’s more, with such a long waiting period, it’s very easy to get the dosage wrong.

Tinctures are a happy middle ground. They’ll take effect in about 15 minutes and provide relief from your anxiety for roughly 2 hours depending on how much liquid you use.

Final Thoughts

Generally speaking, indica strains are considered better for anxiety overall, but “general” really isn’t good enough for treating very specific medical issues that can affect each individual differently.

The best course of action you can take for finding the right anxiety-relieving strain for you is to consult an expert and take a few different types of marijuana for a test drive. Eventually, you’ll find the right strain for you and your anxiety.

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