Larry Bird Strain – Everything You Need To Know

There are a lot of strains of cannabis on the market, but one in particular that’s becoming very popular is the Larry Bird strain. This hybrid strain is enjoyable for many people, so it’s no wonder that we’re hearing the name of it coming up more and more in the community.

Larry Bird Strain - Everything You Need To Know

With a delicious taste and an enjoyable high, the Larry Bird Strain is enjoyable for a wide variety of people. But who is it best for, and who should avoid it? How much of it can you enjoy in one go, and how do you grow it? Here are all of the answers that you need.

What It Is

When you heard the name of the Larry Bird strain, you may have thought that it sounded familiar. This is because the strain is named after the basketball player of the same name from the Boston Celtics – Larry Bird.

It’s a cross between two other strains of cannabis, namely Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies and Sunset Sherbert (see also “5 Of The Best Cannabis Strains To Become A Talkative Person“). In terms of THC, Larry Bird comes in at around 17%. This means that even if you’re a beginner cannabis user, the strain should be completely fine for you.

When you take this strain you may expect to feel relaxed and creative, as other users have reported. It is also a very useful strain for people that struggle with chronic pain or stress.

It has a delicious cream and pine aroma and a slightly tangy yet sweet flavor. This strain is great for keeping you motivated throughout the day, and it’s definitely handy for giving you that extra boost of creativity.

How To Grow It?

If you are interested in growing the Larry Bird strain, it’s fairly easy to do so long as you have the correct conditions. For starters, you can help the plants to grow more easily with fertilizers.

You don’t need too high an amount of fertilizers – too much may actually cause you some issues when you are trying to harvest the plant. Using fertilizers will also help to speed along the vegetation period.

So what about the growing conditions? The best harvest typically comes from a Mediterranean climate and the right genetics. Ideally though the plant needs to have plenty of light and warmth.

The lighting conditions can have a massive impact on the way that the plant flowers. When you have started growing the plant, it will eventually go through a flowering process that lasts roughly 9 to 10 weeks in total.

This is a longer flowering time than many of the other cannabis strains out there, but this is a good thing since it positively affects your yield. When the plant has finished its growth cycle, it should be around 3 feet tall and give you roughly 19 ounces of bud for each square meter.

Of course, this is just for indoor growth – you will get a whopping 6 feet tall plant and around 25 ounces of bud for each square meter if you grow the plant outdoors instead.

You don’t even need to worry too much about plant diseases with this strain either, since it’s immune to most of them. Just make sure that you are careful when you are trimming the plant since you don’t want to cut off the sugar buds on it.

What Does It Look Like?

There are a lot of things that can influence how the Larry Bird strain looks. The appearance can slightly alter depending on some factors. For the most part though the plant has green buds and orange pistils. There’s a slight purple on the buds too.


The strain has a slight hint of grape in its aroma, and the same can be said of the taste. People often say it tastes somewhat earthy and floral, with a hint of mint to it when you are exhaling.


The second you even smell this strain of cannabis you will be wanting more. It has a fruity kind of smell to it, with different accents like grape to enjoy.

The tangy scent is intoxicating to the nostrils. It’s an enjoyable aroma as a whole, but it is possible that you may get a slight skunk taste as is the case with many strains of kush.


This strain has a rather high amount of THC. Certain versions of Larry Bird strain can come with as much as 25% THC, and some are even higher than this.

There are also some strains with lower THC. There’s also quite a bit of CBD in this strain – some versions can have as much as 1% CBD in them.


So how can you take Larry Bird Strain? There are a number of different ways in which you can take this wonderful strain. For starters, you could take the strain alongside food.

You could have it with your potatoes, macaroni and cheese and more. You could even bake it into your favorite desserts. Alternatively you could also take it alongside a variety of spirits.

Have it with a cocktail, wine or champagne. It’s the perfect strain to enjoy at a party and will give you a spectacular experience. It’s especially good when it’s paired with the right soundtrack!

Medicinal Benefits

Medicinal Benefits

The Larry Bird strain also comes with a number of additional medicinal benefits. For starters, it can typically be quite effective when it comes to helping people with stress, depression and anxiety.

It can help you to feel happier – though of course with any strain of cannabis, this can depend on the user. Some people also say that Larry Bird strain is good if you are struggling with fatigue or feeling a little under the weather.

You may find that this strain helps you to feel a lot more energized. Larry Bird strain is also useful if you have problems with muscle aches and strains. It certainly takes the edge off. A lot of people even take it if they have chronic pain.

The strain is actually grown as an analgesic so if you have arthritis, have been in an accident or have had surgeries then Larry Bird strain can be helpful in allowing you to ease the pain. You may even find that your sleep is improved upon taking it.

Other Benefits

A lot of people actually find that they get a boost in energy when they take Larry Bird Strain. In particular, this makes it a good choice if you want to improve your productivity for a short amount of time.

It’s good if you want to encourage your creativity, and it’s a fantastic pick-me up. When you use it, it feels like you are walking on air. The relaxation it offers is definitely worth it for most people.

Side Effects

As with any strain of marijuana, Larry Bird strain comes with side effects. Some side effects include dry mouth or eyes. As long as you stay well hydrated with water though these side effects aren’t likely to last long.

Some people also have a much worse reaction, though this is not the same for everyone. Some people may experience panic attacks, headaches or dizziness. In most cases though as long as you don’t take it in excess you shouldn’t have too many side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Gelato And Larry Bird The Same Strain?

Yes – Larry Bird Strain is also known as the gelato strain. If you hear someone referring to the gelato cannabis strain then you can be quite confident that they are referring to the Larry Bird strain.

What Is The Larry Bird Strain Good For?

This strain is ideal if you want to feel happier and more productive as a whole. It’s perfect if you want to reduce your stress levels and escape from reality for a while.


If you are considering a strain of cannabis to try, then it’s definitely a good idea to think of the Larry Bird strain. This delicious strain of cannabis is well suited to people that want a relaxing time and to relieve all of their stress.

As with any strain of cannabis it’s always a good idea to be aware of any side effects, but as a general rule the benefits outweigh the side effects.

It’s also fairly easy to grow, though it will take quite a number of weeks for you to get your yield and the conditions have to be just right.

This strain can be used in a number of scenarios – use it to give you a great high to start the day or use it to wind down towards the end of the day or when you need an extra energy boost.

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